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US Special Forces soldier-turned aid worker runs through gunfire in Mosul to save a child from ISIS during daring rescue by former US soldier David Eubank in Mosul.

US Special Forces soldier-turned aid worker runs through gunfire in Mosul to save a child from ISIS during daring rescue by former US soldier David Eubank in Mosul. 

The special operator-turned aid worker snatches a young girl from the line of fire, 'I thought, "If I die doing this, my wife and kids would understand",' he says. 

That moment the retired US Special Forces operator-turned aid worker rescues a young girl from the line of fire in Mosul has been caught on video (Video can be seen below in the comments). 

David Eubank, 56, pulled off the daring rescue in the embattled northern Iraq city, where allied forces have been on a grinding offensive to re-take the city from ISIS for the past eight months.
Eubank says he came across a group of civilians who had been gunned down by an ISIS sniper, and saw a toddler and a girl of five moving among the bodies.

A video shows him running to save the girl as two other members of the self-styled aid group - the Free Burma Rangers - provide covering fire with machine guns. 

'I thought, "If I die doing this, my wife and kids would understand",' Eubank told the Los Angeles Times. 
Wearing a helmet and ballistic vest, Eubank charged into the kill zone and retrieved the young girl, who had her hair tied with pink ribbons.

Eubank returned to find the toddler, but was unsuccessful. Another injured man the team tried to save did not survive. 
Eubank, who founded the Christian humanitarian group Free Burma Rangers after retiring from the US Army, led the group along with his wife Karen and their three children ages 11 to 16, into Mosul after hearing horror stories of ISIS's treatment of civilians. 

'I believe God sent me here, and I don't think about security… but I always ask myself if I'm doing it out of pride,' he told the Times. 

David Eubank was born in Texas and grew up as the son of Christian missionaries in Thailand before attending Texas A&M University and being commissioned as an officer in the US Army. 
He is a former U.S. Army Special Forces and Ranger officer, is the founder and leader of the Free Burma Rangers (FBR), a humanitarian service movement for oppressed ethnic minorities of all races and religions in the Burma, Iraq, Kurdistan, Syria and Sudan war zones. 

David is joined on missions by his wife Karen and three children; Sahale 20, Suuzanne 18,and Peter 14. Together they work alongside the over 100 ethnic FBR relief teams in the conflict areas of Burma, Iraq, Kurdistan, Syria and Sudan giving help, hope and love and putting a light on the situation. 

The Eubank family started the Global Day of Prayer for Burma and the Good life Club family outreach program.


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