A skull of a girl was found from Pydna, an ancient Greek port on the Aegaean Sea, north of the holy mountain Olympus, in a district that was called Pieria, during the excavation from 1994 to 1996
A skull of a girl was found from Pydna, an ancient Greek port on the Aegaean Sea, north of the holy mountain Olympus, in a district that was called Pieria, during the excavation from 1994 to 1996.
She lived around 1400 BC and died quite young, as it is seen from her not yet fully developed dentition. For her funeral, she was decorated with a bronze diadem, a bronze bracelet, three finger rings, a necklace, and metal fittings on her belt. Archaeologists gave her the name "sleeping girl."
Diadems of the kind the girl wore were very rare as burial gifts for girls or young women. They indicate the high social rank of the deceased.
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