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PHOTOS: Security man caught defiling 8-yr-old girl in Delta, Pastor-parents refused to press charges.


PHOTOS: Security man caught defiling 8-yr-old girl in Delta, Pastor-parents refused to press charges.

A Security man was caught pants down defiling a minor, 8-year-old girl at Ibusa area of Asaba, the capital of Delta State, on Saturday, August 22nd,2020.

The middle-age pedophile who was not identified by name was caught carrying out the act in the premises of an uncompleted building which is under ongoing construction.

After he was caught by residents, the suspect was stripped, tied up and handed over to the police for further investigation.

However, the girl’s parents who are both pastors have decided not to press charges against him.

According to reports, the Clergy-parents’ reason for not pressing charges is because of stigmatization.

See photos from the scene below.


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