Stop Calling This Russian-Popeye A Bodybuilder Who's About To Get His Arms Amputated Being a student of fitness sciences and bodybuilding, what infuriates me the most is the fact that how everyone who goes to the gym is labeled as a body builder. People don't think twice before equating weight training with a picture of Arnold Schwarzenegger. To bust your stupid bubble, this is not how it goes! Weight training is a means of exercise and different people use it to achieve different goals. Bodybuilders use it as a means of getting bigger and better at their sport and athletes use it to get faster and get better at their sport. So first, just because your friend goes to the gym, it sure as hell doesn't make him a bodybuilder. In fact, if he has a good physique and isn't competing, he still can't be called a bodybuilder. Now, this leads me to a recent story of some crazy guy who is being hailed as the Russian-Popeye 'bodybuilder'. This is what he looks lik...