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Showing posts from July, 2024

N*k£d Ladies, York House Gardens, Twickenham, Richmond 1989 89-5a-53

N*k£d Ladies, York House Gardens, Twickenham, Richmond 1989 89-5a-53 I took few pictures in the rest of the month after my walk on Sunday 9th April 1989, my time being taken up with other things. I did make a few pictures on a CND demonstration in Lambeth with family and friends which I’ve yet to digitise, and some when the photography adult class on which I was assisting went to photograph Twickenham’s famous ‘Naked Ladies’, who now have a beer named for them. Some of my pictures of this were made on large format 4×5″ film so I could contact print them using historic processes such as platinum and kallitype, and I helped make at least one on 8×10″ for the tutor. And there were a few other pictures such as this, made on my way to the Photographers’ Gallery, then in Great Newport St, a short walk around the corner, or on my way to meetings in other parts of London, and a few closer to home. But my next walk to take pictures came on Friday 5th May when I rushed out of college after ar

This is Mrs Pauline Lumumba; wife of Congo's first Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba who was brutally tortured

This is Mrs Pauline Lumumba; wife of Congo's first Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba who was brutally tortured and murdered by firing Squad led by The Belgian Forces and some of HIS OWN people. After his murder, his wife requested to see his body so that she may properly mourn her husband. She never got that opportunity because the body of Patrice was dismembered and dissolved in ACID by the evil people that killed him! This picture is how the heartbroken widow Pauline protested her husband's murder on the streets of Congo. She walked barefoot and half naked. Patrice was just 35 years old when he WA's a killed & Pauline was 23years old when her husband died in 1961. She never remarried until she died on December 23, 2015 - 54 years after the death of her beloved husband! No body part of Patrice Lumumba has been found to this day. #Africa

North Korea publicly executed 22-year-old man for watching K-drama

North Korea publicly executed 22-year-old man for watching K-drama North Korea publicly executed a 22-year-old citizen for listening to and sharing K-pop music and films, according to South Korea. The man from the Hermit Kingdom's South Hwanghae province was publicly executed in 2022 for listening to 70 South Korean songs, watching three films, and distributing them, according to testimonies published in the North Korean Human Rights report released by the South's unification ministry on Thursday. The report – a compilation of testimonies from 649 North Korean defectors – highlights Pyongyang's brutal crackdown on Western influence and information flow into the isolated country. The ban on K-pop to shield citizens from the "malign influence" of Western culture was further tightened under a new law that the North adopted in 2020, which prohibits "reactionary ideology and culture”. The North has rejected criticisms of the government's grave violation o

Woman With ‘Two V~g!nas’ Says She Uses One For Work And One For Personal S£×

Woman With ‘Two V~g!nas’ Says She Uses One For Work And One For Personal S£× Evelyn Miller was born with two v×g!n#s and two wombs and didn't think she would be able to have children. Now she is pregnant - again Bringing a whole new meaning to not mixing work with pleasure, this OnlyFans star has shared what it is like to have two vaginas where she uses one professionally and the other for personal sex. Adult content creator Evelyn Miller didn't find out until the age of 20 that she'd been born with two vaginas and two wombs. The 31-year-old from Queensland, Australia, began working in the sex industry after a relationship breakdown and made sure she kept one vagina for use in her work, and one for her personal life - which seems rather efficient. She explained: "I worked as an independent escort for about seven years travelling around the world. "I was able to use one vagina for work and one vagina for my personal life, which made the work a lot

The Unknown History Of Anasyrma - The Ritual Display Of The Female Genitals For An Apotropaic

The Unknown History Of Anasyrma - The Ritual Display Of The Female Genitals For An Apotropaic At the corner of Taylor and SW Third Street in Portland, Oregon, an early Saturday morning standoff between protestors and unnamed, unmarked, heavily armed (unconstitutional and illegal) federal agents ended when, as it is reported and recorded, a naked woman approached the skirmish line and eventually just sat right down on the pavement, legs open, placid. . .after a while, the agents dispersed. . .what powerful and ancient magic had occurred! It's called anasyrma - the ritual display of the female genitals for an apotropaic (warding off of evil) effect - and it appears in stories and mythologies across all eras and countries and peoples from Baubo in Ancient Greece, cheering up Demeter on the loss of her daughter, Persephone, to Hades; Hathor exposing herself to Ra to make him laugh so he wouldn't destroy the world in Ancient Egypt; the Lajji Gaura figures in India; the Sheela na gig

Today We Remember And Celebrate Ed Van Der Elsken

Today We Remember And Celebrate Ed Van Der Elsken Eduard van der Elsken (10 March 1925 – 28 December 1990) was a Dutch photographer and filmmaker. His imagery provides quotidian, intimate and autobiographic perspectives on the European zeitgeist spanning the period of the Second World War into the nineteen-seventies in the realms of love, sex, art, music (particularly jazz), and alternative culture. He described his camera as 'infatuated', and said: "I'm not a journalist, an objective reporter, I'm a man with likes and dislikes". His style is subjective and emphases the seer over the seen; a photographic equivalent of first-person speech. Ed van der Elsken was born on March 10, 1925, in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. In 1937, wanting to become a sculptor, he learned stone-cutting at Amsterdam's Van Tetterode Steenhouwerij. After completing preliminary studies at the Instituut voor Kunstnijverheidsonderwijs, the predecessor of the Rietveld Academy (dir. Mart


Exhibition  (from the Latin  exhibere  , "to show") or neologism  apodisophilia  is the inclination of a person to exposure in public, spontaneously, remarkably and excessively. The term refers, specifically and more conventionally, to the behavior or perversity of showing the sexual organs or other organs considered as intimate parts: namely genitals , butt , torso and chest , to other people.  Psychiatrically, the exhibition is considered a type of paraphilia or sexual behavior. The exhibition is referred to as perversion, the term is incorrect if it refers to the usual sexual life of the individual . Public nudity is regularly considered offensive or conducive to public disorder and is sometimes used in social protests. On the other hand, nudism is a cultural movement that tries to make social nudism a lifestyle. Nudism intends the acceptance of the human body as an artistic expression, and defends the personal right to be completely naked

Frank 'Rocky' Fiegel

  Frank 'Rocky' Fiegel, born in Poland on January 27, 1868. He emigrated with his family to America where in 1887 he joined the Navy. When Popeye's creator met him, he was a retired sailor contracted by Wiebusch’s tavern in the city of Chester, Illinois, to clean and maintain order. He had a reputation to be always involved in fighting, so he had a deformed eye (“Pop-eye”). He had demonstrated his strength in so many fights that he became a local legend.  He always smoked his pipe, so he spoke only with one side of his mouth. When he was with children he held the pipe with the corner of his mouth and told them the antics of his youth, often boasting of his physical strength and loudly claiming that spinach is the food that makes him invincible. Popeye's character creator Elzie Crisler Segar was born in Chester and was one of the children who had the privilege of hearing 'live' the stories of the former sailor.

A human brain from 1628.

  A human brain from 1628. This dry and shrunken brain once belonged to a crew member aboard the Swedish 17th century warship, Vasa. The remains - now named Helge - was found stuck beneath a gun carriage. Except for his brain, parts of the hair, fingernails, clothes, and personal belongings had been preserved. The brain is complete, but we can't learn anything from it, there is no cell structure or DNA left. It's basically just soap in the shape of a brain. The information from Helge is based on his clothes and skeleton.A human brain from 1628. This dry and shrunken brain once belonged to a crew member aboard the Swedish 17th century warship, Vasa. The remains - now named Helge - was found stuck beneath a gun carriage. Except for his brain, parts of the hair, fingernails, clothes, and personal belongings had been preserved. The brain is complete, but we can't learn anything from it, there is no cell structure or DNA left. It's basically just soap in the shape of a brain

Bizarre moment n@k£d woman on magic mushrooms wraps her leg around a passenger and slaps a cop in wild rampage at Chilean airport

  Bizarre moment n@k£d woman on magic mushrooms wraps her leg around a passenger and slaps a cop in wild rampage at Chilean airport This is the bizarre moment a naked woman who was allegedly on psychedelic drugs and drunk attacked passengers and police officers, who arrested her at an airport in Chile. The woman, who is in her 20s, attended a party in Santiago last Thursday and took magic mushrooms and consumed liquor, Chilean news outlet ADN reported. At one point during the evening she made her way to Arturo Merino Benítez International Airport, where she flew into a rampage. Dramatic footage showed the woman chatting with a male passenger who was pushing his luggage on a cart. A woman, who was under the alleged influence of magic mushrooms and drunk, climbed on top of a male passenger who had just arrived at the airport last Thursday. The woman, who is in her 20s, assaulted a woman and two police officers before she was arrested She appeared to be pleading with him and